FWA Member Terms

Floorball WA

By applying to become a member of Floorball WA (through Lambs Floorball Club) you:

  1. agree to be bound by and abide by the Floorball WA constitution, competition rules, policies and procedures* as they are created and amended from time to time;
  2. agree that you support the objects and purpose of the Floorball WA Association;
  3. agree that Floorball WA may use the information gathered in this form to disclose membership as required to the National Sporting Body and Government departments;
  4. agree to allow Floorball WA to use your contact information to contact you in regards to marketing, events and promotion in relation to Floorball WA's core business;
  5. are submitting an application for membership of Floorball WA (formally the Floorball Association of Western Australia Incorporated);
  6. agree that Floorball WA may use images, videos and other media captured in the course of its services and events for marketing and other purposes and you agree to provide permission for your image to be used in this manner; and
  7. if under the age of 18 have your Parent/Guardian complete the U18 Waiver below.

* Floorball WA Competition Rules, Policies and Procedures are listed here https://floorballwa.org/downloads  
* Link for the U18 Waiver can be found here https://forms.office.com/r/jBg82PwFbu

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